Friday, May 22, 2009

New Development: Virtual Klein

Anthropometries for Quake 4 (After Yves Klein) from Chaz Evans on Vimeo.

Now, i'm going to have to pre-emptively beg forgiveness as I know this isn't a lolcaption as such and I know this may also be considered shameless self-blogging as well. But if there is any audience out the who has the slightest chance of appreciating this I figure its the type who enjoys contemporary art mingling with internet cat slang.

I've started experimenting with merging 20th century art figures with elements of commercial video games. Here I figure, why not paint the virtual quake body the way Klein takes to the naked ladies? Theres more explanation on the vimeo page. Hope you enjoy.

1 comment:

Allison! said...

I laughed so much that I learned how to love Yves Klein. And really, that's saying something.